127,500 miles (204,000 km) or 102 months
❑ Inspect air cleaner filter ❑ Inspect vacuum hose ❑ Replace engine oil and filter (127,500 miles (204,000 km) or 204 months)
See also:
Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
ABS (or ESC) will not prevent accidents due to improper or dangerous driving
maneuvers. Even though vehicle control is improved during emergency braking, always
maintain a safe distance b ...
Check Battery and Cables
Winter puts additional burdens on the battery system. Visually inspect the battery
and cables as described in Section 6. The level of charge in your battery can be
checked by your Hyundai dealer o ...
Fuel vapors generated inside the fuel tank are absorbed and stored in the onboard
canister. When the engine is running, the fuel vapors absorbed in the canister are
drawn into the induction system ...