Tire Information
The tires supplied on your new Hyndai are chosen to provide the best performance for normal driving. If you ever have questions about your tire warranty and where to obtain service, see the tire manufacture's booklet included with your vehicle's Owner's Manual Literature Kit.
See also:
Use of lights
Check your lights regularly for correct operation
and always keep them clean. When driving
during the day in conditions of poor visibility, it
is helpful to drive with headlights on low beam.
This ...
If the Engine Stalls While Driving
1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping a straight line. Move cautiously off
the road to a safe place.
2. Turn on your emergency flashers.
3. Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will no ...
General checks
Engine Compartment
The following should be checked regularly:
o Engine oil level and condition.
o Transaxle fluid level and condition.
o Brake fluid level.
o Clutch fluid level.
o Engine coolant ...