Your Hyundai is equipped with a day/ night inside rearview mirror. The "night"

Your Hyundai is equipped with a day/ night inside rearview mirror. The "night" position is selected by flipping the tab at the bottom of the mirror toward you. In the "night" position, the glare of headlights of cars behind you is reduced.

    See also:

    Interior Light
    1. Remove the cover with a flat-head screwdriver. 2. Replace with a new bulb. ...

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    The most common causes of corrosion on your car are: o Road salt, dirt and moisture that is allowed to accumulate underneath the car. o Removal of paint or protective coatings by stones, gravel, abr ...

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    WARNING: Handle brake fluid carefully. It can damage your vision if it gets into your eyes. Use only DOT 3 or DOT 4 specification fluid from a sealed container. Do not allow the fluid can or rese ...