Don't let ice and snow accumulate underneath
Under some conditions, snow and ice can build up under the fenders and interfere with the steering. When driving in severe winter conditions where this may happen, you should periodically check underneath the car to be sure the movement of the front wheels and the steering components is not obstructed.
See also:
Indicator symbols on the instrument cluster
Checking and replacing fuses
Replacing a Fusible Link
A fusible link will melt if the electrical circuits from
the battery are ever overloaded, thus preventing
damage to the entire wiring harness. (This
could be caused by a ...
Washing and waxing
Washing Your Hyundai
Never wash your car when the surface is hot
from being in the sun. Always wash your car in
the shade.
Wash your car frequently. Dirt is abrasive and
can scratch the paint if ...