Record your key number
The key code number is stamped on the bar code tag attached to the key set. Should you lose your keys, this number will enable an authorized HYUNDAI dealer to duplicate the keys easily. Remove the bar code tag and store it in a safe place. Also, record the code number and keep it in a safe place (not in the vehicle).
See also:
When to Wax Again
You should polish and wax the car again when water no longer beads on a clean
surface but spreads out over a larger area. ...
Emission Control System
Your Hyundai is equipped with an emission control system to meet all requirements
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or California Air Resources Board.
There are three emission control sys ...
Like the rest of Hyundai’s lineup, the Accent is a compelling product that’s
priced right and comes with the features that consumers are gravitating towards
in droves. But rather than being sold o ...