Shop manual
A Hyundai Shop Manual is available from your authorized Hyundai dealer. It's written for professional technicians, but is simple enough for most mechanically-inclined owners to understand.
See also:
Use the heating/ventilation system to defrost or defog the windshield:
To remove interior fog on the windshield:
o Set the air flow control to the defrost ()
position (The A/C will automatically ...
Ashtray / coin tray
The front ashtray/coin tray may be opened by
pushing and releasing the ashtray lid. To remove
the ashtray to empty or clean it, lift the
ashtray upward and pull it out. The ashtray coin
tray lig ...
The redesigned Elantra makes a good case for being the most stylish new
compact sedan on the market. The car's designer, Cedric D'Andre, said one of the
goals of the design was to create a car tha ...