Vehicle identification number (VIN)

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the number used in registering your car and in all legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc. It can be found in three different places on your car:
1. Lower side of the front passenger seat under the carpet.

2. On the left top side of the instrument panel where it can be seen by looking down through the windshield.

3. On the lower side of the left center pillar outer panel.

    See also:

    Obtain Spare Tire and Tool
    Remove the spare tire and remove the jack and tool bag from the trunk. NOTE: The spare tire and tool is located beneath the luggage mat in the vehicle trunk or luggage compartment. ...

    Theft-alarm stage
    The alarm will be activated if any of the following occurs while the system is armed. • A door is opened without using the transmitter (or smart key or mechanical key). • The trunk is opened wit ...

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    Check the air conditioning lines and connections for leakage and damage. Check air conditioning performance according to the relevant shop manual if necessary. ...