Window defroster switch

Windshield wiper Blade De-icer (If installed)

The windshield wiper blade de-icer is turned on

The windshield wiper blade de-icer is turned on by pushing in the switch. To turn the de-icer off, push the switch a second time. The windshield wiper blade de-icer automatically turns itself off after about 20 minutes.

Rear Window Defroster Switch

The rear window defroster and heated outside

The rear window defroster and heated outside rearview mirrors are turned on by pushing in the switch. To turn the defroster off, push the switch a second time. The rear window defroster automatically turns itself off after about 15 minutes.

To restart the defroster cycle, push in the switch again after it has turned itself off.

Do not clean the inner side of the rear window glass with an abrasive type of glass cleaner or use a scraper to remove foreign deposits from the inner surface of the glass as this may cause damage to the defroster elements.

The engine must be running for the rear window defroster to operate.

Aux outlet (if installed)

You can use an aux outlet to connect an audio

You can use an aux outlet to connect an audio device.

When using a portable audio device connected to the power outlet, noise may occur during playback. If this happens, use the power source of the portable audio device.

    See also:

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