Hyundai Elantra

Hyundai Elantra

Hyundai Elantra

See also:

112,500 miles (180,000 km) or 90 months
❑ Inspect air cleaner filter ❑ Inspect vacuum hose ❑ Inspect manual transaxle fluid (if equipped) ❑ Replace engine oil and filter (112,500 miles (180,000 km) or 180 mont ...

Checking the free-play
STEERING WHEEL To check the steering wheel free-play, stop the car with the wheels pointed straight ahead and gently move the steering wheel back and forth. Use very light finger pressure and be ...

Advanced supplemental restraint (Airbag) sustem (SRS)
Your Hyundai is equipped with an advanced Supplemental Restraint (Airbag) System. The indications of the system's presence are the letters "SRS AIRBAG" embossed on the airbag pad cover ...