Hyundai Elantra (2011)
See also:
Advanced Supplemental Restraint (AIRBAG) System
1. Driver's front airbag
2. Passenger's front airbag
3. Side impact airbag
4. Curtain airbag
Even in vehicles with air bags, you and your passengers must always wear the
seat ...
Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Washer System
To keep the water in the window washer system from freezing, add an approved
anti-freeze solution in accordance with instructions on the container. Window washer
anti-freeze is available from Hyun ...
1. Crankcase emission control system
The positive crankcase ventilation system is employed to prevent air pollution
caused by blow-by gases being emitted from the crankcase. This system supplies fresh
filtered air to the crankcase th ...