Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Necessary

In some climates it is recommended that a lower viscosity "winter weight" oil be used during cold weather. See Section 9 for recommendations. If you aren't sure what weight oil you should use, consult your Hyundai dealer.

    See also:

    Changing a flat tire
    The procedure described on the following pages can be used to rotate tires as well as to change a flat tire. When preparing to change a flat tire, check to be sure the gear selector lever is in ...

    Carry Emergency Equipment
    Depending on the severity of the weather where you drive your car, you should carry appropriate emergency equipment. Some of the items you may want to carry include tire chains, tow straps or chai ...

    Using a child restraint system
    For safety reasons, we recommend that the child restraint system be used in the rear seats. WARNING Never place a rear-facing child restraint in the front passenger seat, because of the dang ...