
For greater convenience, the same key operates all the locks in your Hyundai.

For greater convenience, the same key operates all the locks in your Hyundai. However, because the doors can be locked without a key, carrying a spare key is recommended in case you accidentally lock one key inside the car.

See also:

Good driving practices
• Never take the vehicle out of gear and coast down a hill. This is extremely hazardous. Always leave the vehicle in gear. • Do not "ride" the brakes. This can cause them to overheat and ...

Charging System Warning Light
  The charging system warning light should come on when the ignition is turned on, then go out when the engine is running. If the light stays on while the engine is running, there is a mal ...

Using a cellular phone or a twoway radio
When a cellular phone is used inside the vehicle, noise may be produced from the audio equipment. This does not mean that something is wrong with the audio equipment. In such a case, use the cellu ...